The most harmful abdominal fat, the hardest one to get rid of. By cleansing your liver, helping normal
bile flow, reducing fat absorption into the fat cells, regulating your lipid and cholesterol metabolism. Prevents your blood vessels from forming atherosclerotic plaques.
This visceral fat in your middle makes toxins that affect the way your body works, says James Edwards, MD, president of the American Diabetes Association. Among them are chemicals called cytokines that boost your chances of heart disease and make your body less sensitive to insulin, which can bring on diabetes.Cytokines also cause inflammation, which can lead to certain cancers, says Eric Jacobs, PhD, a researcher at the American Cancer Society. In recent years, he says, scientists have uncovered links between belly fat and cancers of the colon, esophagus, and pancreas.

...Here Are 5 Steps To Change Things Up:
1. Skip the fruit juice. It might seem like a healthy swap for sugary colas, but it’s not. All the fat-reducing fiber in the fruit has been removed, leaving only the pure fruit sugars that go straight to your waistline.
2. Eat your veggies. They should fill up at least half your plate, especially at your biggest meal. Choose more nonstarchy varieties (think leafy greens, broccoli, and beans) than their carb-filled kin (potatoes, corn, and carrots).
3. Choose proper supplement. Claims vs. reality. Your choice should focus on product that is formulated with abdominal fat in mind. Ingredients such as Caralluma Fimbriata, Lychee Exctract, Green Tea, Irvingia gabonensis are those which have been proven by clinical studies as the most effective in the fight for the waistline.
4. Go natural. Processed foods are not your friends. When you’re in a rush, it’s easy to overlook the fact that packaged foods are often loaded with trans fats, sugar, and salt -- all guaranteed to boost belly fat.
5. Keep your cool. The stress hormone cortisol can override your diet and workouts. When it goes through your body, fat deposits relocate to your belly area. Exercise and meditation can both be great ways to dial down your stress to nontoxic levels.
I know it's not easy keeping to these steps but we just gotta try hard:) #teamflatbelly